This edition is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Moscow multi-format group the «Krugly Band». The founder of the group is Alexey Kruglov, a famous Russian saxophonist, composer, performer, director, poet, one of the leaders of new jazz in Russia. Over its 20-year history, the «Krugly Band» has created a number of extraordinary projects — performances, programs in different jazz styles (from combo to orchestra), performing with numerous soloists and guests, participating in various art forums and festivals in Russia and abroad. The release represents the performative and theatrical direction of the group. Alexey Kruglov began to create literary and musical projects almost from the day the band was founded. Alexey Kruglov received two wonderful educations — musical and stage direction, plunged into the methodology of two global genres — theatre and music, existing over 20 years in various art worlds at the same time, he could see the artistic environment by the detailed view, embodying my own ideas basing on the understanding and feeling community of multidimensional spheres of art. He often and with great pleasure plunges into the deepest sea of contrasting creative spheres, cooperating with legendary, outstanding personalities, with many high-class masters from different fields of art, generations. The life in several genres allows him to take a deeper glance on his own creativity, to discover new ways. One of which is expressed in the edition of «Dromuse».

This album becomes an important step for Alexey Kruglov and the «Krugly Band» in terms of establishing a direction based on the unity of word and sound, in the works of which there is no boundary between its various components. Their composition and structure is «stitched» genre-stylistically on the principle of commonality at the level of «art-forming archetypes, which abandons the beautiful wrapper of post-modernism at the same time. If you look forward, we can talk about the unity of the three components — word, sound, plastics. Several works on this principle have already been shown by the collective. The name has several meanings, volumes. Drom — the final part of complex words of Greek origin, introducing the meaning of a special platform or a special way for what is called in the initial part of the word, in particular, the word-category «palindrome». Turning to conceptual work with the word, in particular, to the overturning — a necessary act of artistic expression for Alexey Kruglov. Palindrome due to the mirror image of its reading creates a circle, a sphere that refers not only to his family name and the name of the «Krugly Band», but also to one of the main motives of my compositional, staged vision. The second part of Dromuse — muse. «Muse» — has an abbreviation from the part of the definition of «muse arts», which include music, poetry, dance, philosophy, geometry. The abbreviation from «muse» can be perceived (as an interpretation of the word «musike») in a musical sense, which is natural, since the music is involved into any my productions with a sounding score of words, scenography as a sound object, melodic-harmonic basis, improve-action, including an actor-performance play and a live dramaturgic basis. The field for the development of the idea is extensive.

The main five sections of the edition are five different performances of the «Krugly Band». The Bonus section contains trailers of the theatrical works by Alexey and fragments of projects, in particular, to verses by Kruglov himself. Performances based on different materials by Vladimir Vysotsky and Vladimir Mayakovsky, created by Alexey more than ten years ago, are one of the best examples of the «Krugly Band» in the field of working with the elements of word and sound. The project based on poems and texts by Dmitry Prigov is a  conceptual project in which the line of penetration of notes into letters is brought to a critical, absurd limit. In performances dedicated to Nikolay Gumilyov and Ilya Zdanevich, as well as in some theatrical works by Kruglov presented in the form of trailers in the Bonus section, we see another dimension — sound improvisation, harmoniously displayed and finding itself in poetry and musical content of actions. The direction of the «Krugly Band» is unique, the team is one of the few who create projects in which three areas find unity — improvisational-musical, poetic-literary, performative-theatrical. In the near future, it is planned to continue work on Dromus, based on a 20-year performative activity and the theoretical basis of the Krugly Band's method.
